Monday, June 8, 2009

End of an Era?

I've really gotten bad about updating this thing. I'm thinking that my blogging days are meeting its end. It was a fun task back when I was motivated enough to do it on a daily basis, and when rants could pour out of me weekly. Now, it seems more like a chore, like doing the dishes or cleaning up after the dog. There's not a whole lot to say, especially when I can just log onto Facebook and say everything that's going on one sentence at a time.

Fun while it lasted, but don't be expecting a whole lot on here from me. I want to return soon, but maybe with a different angle. I've been wanting to do kind of like a "Website of the Day" type thing for a while, but it just never really happened.

For now, see you in the real world.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A Quickie...

New Rant


Getting my wisdom teeth removed the Monday I'm back home.


Ashley's giving birth to my new sibling soon...



Friday, April 3, 2009

Wrapping Up The School Year...

Wow, I managed to skip most of March without saying much. There was the bit about Colma, CA, but that's on hiatus until after school gets finished up.

I almost dropped my Mathematics major (again), in favor of a Finance minor, but I wouldn't be able to do so without a wasted Math credit and having to stay here an extra semester, so that idea came and went.

I'm only taking 4 classes, but I'm scared that I'm getting C's in 3 of the 4, which I don't think I could handle. I'm still the strategic slacker that I was in high school, but I could never settle with a B- average for a semester, which I fear might happen this semester. Life in Russia is so damn inconsistent that it's impossible to prepare for anything, my math class is a proof class that for a brief moment allows me to be in the shoes of anybody who's ever thought that math teachers just speak complete gibberish, and my Stats class has a project that requires us to do a 15-20 minute presentation, when I only have 6 minutes of material.

Damn, gotta kick my bullshitting skills into high gear...

My stepmom is due the 16th. Even though it's anyone's guess when the baby will ACTUALLY be born, I've taken the 17th off of work just in case everything happens on time. So, hopefully I'll be in Grand Rapids around that time to see my new sibling.

Out of here May 8th. Returning here August 4th.


Monday, March 16, 2009


I could talk about the fun I had over Spring Break, work, Stephen Lynch, hanging with friends, being afraid of creaky houses, etc...

But no. I'd rather discuss why there's not a movie based in Colma, California!

'Just For Ranting': Coming Soon!


Friday, February 27, 2009

Pre-Birthday Update...

For the last week, I've been sick with yet another plague. Since the end of the last school year, I believe this is either my 4th or 5th time getting sick, which is absolutely ridiculous, considering I'm usually the healthy one (of course, it didn't help that I didn't try particularly hard to avoid getting sick by the original carrier, Mike Lindsay, who coughed ON ME as a coup de grace to the whole situation). This version of Death has been fluctuating quite rapidly, Monday and Wednesday, I was on total bed rest, while Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday I've been able to actually move around without much fail.

This morning, I just have a simple cough and stuffy nose, so hats off to me!

Well, tomorrow is my birthday. And my brother, Trever's birthday. And my friend Avery's birthday. And the birthday of the old lady who works at the sex shop...but that last one's a bit irrelevant.

The Big 2-0, here I come.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

February Update -Update-...

Went to the bank and got my debit card. It turns out I left it in the ATM machine. Phew...I was really scared about that. I was very panicky about the whole thing, which never helps me. I need to learn how to deal with stuff on the rare occasions that I let it get to me...

Better news is that Bob Saget is going to be doing stand-up at CMU! So good! I'm looking forward to that show, now.


February Update...

Y'know, I do mean to update this more than just once a month. I felt the urge to actually get around to this the second I had a strange thought about developing amnesia not remember X amount of months of my life. I've never really been worried about it, but the thought of this being my last remembered moment, going to bed, and waking up in a hospital 4 years later strikes me as a bizarre fate I don't want to deal with. I'll keep logs like this to refresh my memory.

One Act plays were cool. Alan, Mike Lindsay, and I went to Greenville to have a good time, which we accomplished. S.P.A.R. was a ridiculously awesome show that managed to blow my mind every 5 minutes. I've always liked the idea of 'Breaking the Fourth Wall', and they took it to a whole new extreme. Again...AMAZING!

Gave blood. Nurses sucked hardcore. Two weeks later, and there's still a bruise on my arm. Boo...

Waterford came up for a weekend, along with Shubes. Nice to see him again.

Getting hopelessly addicted to Magic: The Gathering.

Wrapping up paragraphs quicker, now.

LOST MY DEBIT CARD! Going to the bank tomorrow to see if they have it. I've been flipping out all evening, trying to retrace my steps and trying to convince myself that nobody is going to use my card. It hasn't worked yet...

That's all.
